Nitrogen OS Beta 8.1 20171219 nothemes untuk Redmi Note 3 Pro

bamzzz 5:29 AM

ROM ini based AOSP, Android versi 8.1.0, Oreo, dibuild oleh xyyx@xda asal Rusia. Perlu diketahui rom ini masih beta, yang artinya belum stabil, tidak direkomendasi buat kamu yang menginginkan rom stabil tanpa bug.

Changelog 20171219_nothemes:
   * build/make/
5c21e48 soong_config: Add TARGET_HAS_LEGACY_CAMERA_HAL1 variable
f5de813 soong_config: Add TARGET_USES_MEDIA_EXTENSIONS variable

   * device/oneplus/oneplus3/
db37e4e sepolicy: Use noatsecure for everything

   * frameworks/av/
f484037 CameraService: Fix deadlock in binder death cleanup.

   * frameworks/base/
eb8c0a5 SystemUI: Expose QS edit item decoration background color
7fa7815 Themes: Expose resolver hardcoded colors
8cce178 Set Persisting Mobile Data connection off by default [2/2]
e67ffe2 Quick settings: Add Haptic Feedback to tiles [1/2]
266312d theme: eradicate blue-gray

   * packages/apps/DUI/
9318db4 DUI: Updated polish translation
5d23bf2 Be sure to set buttons darkintensity when needed
5254cd4 Dark custom icons: lower the light of the icon, don't make it black
dabc789 Update cs and sk translations

   * packages/apps/NitrogenSettings/
a6ccfbb Update PL translation
db4cd01 Update Turkish translation
5530b45 Update cs and sk translations
d294ff0 Quick settings: Add Haptic Feedback to tiles [2/2]
d44751e [2/2] configure SystemUI theme

   * packages/apps/Settings/
7187103 Expose switchbar background color
dfa533a Add cs and sk translations
7751f42 Set Persisting Mobile Data connection off by default [1/2]

   * system/vold/
213d64d cryptfs: fix wrong password set by user during bootup
98307b0 vold: Add Hardware FDE feature
1aa578c Treat removable UFS card as SD card
759e6a0 vold: ntfs: Use strlcat

   * vendor/nitrogen/
74193c1 Vendor: Add adaptive icons

GApps: OpenGapps 8.1 UNOFFICIAL (pilih nano atau pico)

Cara Pasang:
  • Letakkan ROM dan Gapps di SD Card.
  • Reboot ke TWRP recovery
  • Wipe Data, Cache dan Dalvik
  • Install ROM dan Gapps.
  • Reboot - Reboot awal membutuhkan waktu 5-10 menit.

  • Deteksi sim setelah boot (random)
  • VOLTE video call
  • Hidden wifi (Harus mematikan dan menghidupkan layar setelah menambahkan)
  • GOODIX Fingerprint






Android OS version: 8.1.0_r1
For devices: Kenzo
Authors build: xyyx
Source code: |
Developers: xyyx
Thanks: billchen1977 for brilliant work on Kenzo, ezio84, beanstown106, maxwen and etc.

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