Kumpulan Magisk Module

bamzzz 5:51 PM

Posting saya sebelumnya adalah cara memasang magisk pada perangkat Android anda. Sekarang kita bahas kumpulan module untuk Magisk, yang mana bisa juga diunduh dari Magisk Manager.

DNSCrypt for Android: DNSCrypt is a protocol that authenticates communications between a DNS client and a DNS resolver. It prevents DNS spoofing. It uses cryptographic signatures to verify that responses originate from the chosen DNS resolver and haven't been tampered with.

Xiaomi SafetyNet Fix: Fix SafetyNet on Xiaomi devices with MIUI Developer/Beta ROM & Custom ROM like LOS, RR, (etc...) replacing the build description & fingerprint prop to MIUI Stable one.

Greenify4Magisk: Makes Greenify work as a rom-integrated (privileged) app systemlessly. You can also use App Systemizer or Terminal App Systemizer to accomplish the same thing as well as systemize other apps.

Android O NotoColorEmoji Replacer: Get Android O's emojis on any Android device running Android 5.0+!

Enable Doze on Google Play Services: By installing this module, you can move Google Play Services from the "App Not Optimized" list to "App Optimized" which mean Doze mechanism will work its magic on Google Play Services, thus should saving you more juices/batt throughout the day.

Magisk Module Uninstaller: Enables you to uninstall modules in TWRP via terminal.

Xiaomi SafetyNet Fix for Beta & C. ROM's: Fix SafetyNet on Xiaomi devices with MIUI Developer/Beta ROM & Custom ROM like LOS, RR, (etc...) replacing the build fingerprint prop to MIUI China/Global Stable one.

Max Resolution for YouTube: Unlock 2K resolution on all devices and 4K on supported ones.

Ice Box System Plugin Allows Ice Box to freeze and defrost apps faster. Download the module in the Laboratory section of the app settings.

Systemless Substratum Legacy: Allows installation of Substratum themes in legacy/root mode systemlessly.

A.R.I.S.E. Compatibility Module: Allows Magisk compatibility with A.R.I.S.E. Sound Systems™. This is not systemless and you will still need to flash the regular A.R.I.S.E. installer first (see Installation instructions for more details).

Sony Apps Enabler - Systemless: Systemless version of Sony Apps Enabler. A ported version of Sony devices' framework files for any Android device. This tricks Play Store into recognizing your Android as a Sony device and therefore, allowing you to install and update Sony devices specific apps directly from Play Store.

Easy Font Installer: Replaces the default font in system/font/ roboto-regular to whatever font you place in the module ZIP.

Universal init.d enabler: Enables running init.d scripts systemless-ly on any device. An alternative to using post-fs-data.d.
SD Write Access Enabler for Nougat: Creates an additional path to your sdcard: /mnt/media_rw

Xposed MUI: Xposed for MIUI by SolarWarez
Dan module lainnya bisa anda dapatkan disini.

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Mamaz Tony
December 16, 2017 at 10:30 AM delete

gan, saran dong. coba di kasih deskripsinya pake bahasa indonesia.
Soalnya kan masih banyak yg kurang paham sama bahasa inggris..
termasuk ane.. 😁

Mamaz Tony
December 16, 2017 at 10:31 AM delete

ane driver ojek online, masih bingung hide mock location sama hide root di modul magisk..
minta saran dan ilmunya dong gan..

December 16, 2017 at 3:53 PM delete

Terima kasih atas sarannya

December 16, 2017 at 3:56 PM delete

Masuk ke Magisk Manager, tap strip 3 di pojok kiri atas, pilih magisk hide, checklist/pilih app yg mau disembunyikan dari akses rootnya. Reboot ponsel.

January 14, 2018 at 3:55 PM delete

gan..usul dong bikinin artikel langkah2 membuat modul smali patcher 😂😂


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